
11-26-14_11-15 AM

I was just beginning to miss the cross-eyedness of the TS3 when Blaine did this 😛 Good to know it survived for another generation!


11-26-14_11-18 AM

After Lilliana broke up with Blaine, he went straight into Morrigan’s bed, pulled the duvet over his head and cried about it. What is it about her bed???

“It’s not fair!”

I know.


11-07-14_12-30 PM

Don’t think this beauty can be explained? I honestly can’t guess what might have been going through her head!

“I think all this woohoo is getting to me”

What woohoo?? You haven’t even slept with whatshisfa- Reid yet!

“Yes, but in my dreams…”

Stop right there.


11-07-14_12-20 PM-2

11-07-14_12-22 PM-2

11-07-14_12-22 PM

It would appear that Lilliana has a stalker.

“I’m Beckham, please date me next?”

Who knows, Beckham?

“You’ll be an awesome girlfriend! Now break up with him and swing your legs around me!”


And yes, he kept following them throughout the rest of the date, from the moment he showed up and even joined in their conversations. For some reason they didn’t mind. You might well have a chance, Beckham!!


11-07-14_12-11 PM

There sure are some… unique people running around in Oasis Springs!

 “I do love jogging but I sure wish I knew where I was going!”

His name’s Jack Lugo and he’s an old childhood friend of Lilliana’s. Wonder why I bothered creating some people when this piece of candy ran around town! (seriously, what’s wrong with his eyes? this can’t be normal, can it?)


10-10-14_6-39 PM

10-10-14_7-14 PM

Everyone, welcome your new Queen of Derp!!


I wonder just how far down the gens this will get passed down?


10-10-14_6-34 PM

Milan? The Saviour of the universe is growing up behind you, shouldn’t you-

“This wall! It’s perfect!”

Perfect for what??

“It’s so beautiful!!!”

Well, it’s not like the universe’s saviour’s birthday is that big a deal I guess.

(Yeah, this really is how he chose to spend her ageing up. Staring at a wall, completely oblivious. I might have been a little too quick when I made him her godfather.)


10-10-14_6-31 PM-3

“Is this how I’m holding it? I don’t-“

Well, you could relax a little more but it’s fine, I guess?

“Why won’t she stop crying?”

10-10-14_6-31 PM-4

It’s a mystery.

Lilliana: “It hurts” 😦

*09-28-14_9-12 PM

“dsjh1!ajbe?!! It’s a baby!!”

Remember you were pregnant just now? For the last few sim days?

“It’s so fascinating!”

God help poor Lilliana.

*09-28-14_8-45 PM


What’s wrong with everyone’s happy faces??? I don’t think I’m very good at creating sims, you guys!


Oh god oO

At least Morrigan’s made friends?

*09-28-14_8-05 PM-2

09-28-14_8-06 PM-2

“Yay. A baby.”

You sure look…. happy?

“I’m so thrilled.”


Oh dear.

(this honestly was her reaction to finding out she’s pregnant. you can still see the confetti!)

*09-28-14_8-05 PM

“Would you mind? I’m kinda in the middle of something.”

I do wonder sometimes if she’s aware of me oO Not sure what else would have made her look like this while on the loo?? 

*09-28-14_7-42 PM-2

“Derrp! Cake! Isso awesome!”

Yeah, I know this was already in a chapter, but this face was too beautiful not to show again!

09-05-14_10-11 PM

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

I can only wonder.

(No apologies for the lighting in this room – it was just really dark in that lounge!)

*09-05-14_3-23 PM

Morrigan pulls some really interesting faces..

(I apologise for the bad lighting, btw. Morrigan hasn’t had the money yet to install lights in ever room)


09-05-14_3-28 PM-3

“Would you mind? I’m kinda working on something important.”

I don’t think she likes me holding the camera in her face all the time 😦

09-05-14_3-24 PM

09-05-14_3-24 PM-2

 “Damn you, scrambled eggs!! DIE!!”

*imitates lion/possibly dinosaur*


Morrigan fails at cooking -.- I think this fire alarm might have been a good investment after all!


09-05-14_3-23 PM

I think this is her happy face?

9 thoughts on “Outtakes

    • I have!!! It makes you feel bad for treating them badly! (almost) I forgot someone’s birthday ones and they had the quivering lip and went to hide in their bed – that had me feeling pretty bad 😛 (I just had so many birthdays already, you know? I didn’t want to do another one :/)


  1. Oh. My. Gosh. I was watching a let’s play where there was a breakup and the guy crawled into bed and sobbed under the covers. I think I laughed for days.
    It still makes me giggle. Poor Blaine. (Not really)


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